sábado, 10 de março de 2012

2º part

And so they went, but while they where going David stoped and just returned to the arcade without the other two realizing. Once they got there, they turnd around and said:
 -Hey David!... David?
 - Where is he?
 -Don't ask me Meatball Head.
 -Who said I was?
 Before he could say anything his phone rang...
 -Who is it?
 -Dam. You forget abaot me alredy?
 -David? Where are you?
 -I had to leave,I had a work emergency.(Ofcours he was lying)
 -Will you come to the park?
 -Sorry I can't, say to Serena that I'm sorry...-Them he hang up.
 -Was that David?
 -No it was Andrew, I just called him David for fun.... God your so dumb.
 She lowered her head and tears starded to fall to the ground.
 -Mea...Serena ?
 She leafted her head and said.
 Then she just ran off,  but didn't leave the park, she just whent to the other end off the park, to the park she liked the most, the part that had a garden full of roses (her favorite flower). She sat on the the ground betwen the roses and starded to cry...
 -Serena, Serena where are you, I'm sorry- Serena herd Darien calling for her saing he was sorry but didn't move or talked just staied there crying. He was looking for her, when the other girls eard him sreamig her name and whent to talk to him:
 -What happend to Serena?- Rei asked.
 -Tell us or someone will lern how to fly- As soon as Makoto said this he felt his spine shaking.
 -Tell us!- They al said.
 -Ok. I don't know where she is she ran away.
 -And why did she ran away- Minako asked.
 -I may of have called her dumb.
 -You did what?- They all said- Why did you do that, she alredy cryes just becouse you call her Meatball Head.
-She...She does?
 -Ofcours she does you idiot, what did you expest her to do when you hurt her feelings?-Rei said fuming from her hears.
 -I didn't know I hurted her fellings...
 After earing what the girls said he ran looking for her.He looked for her at all of the places he thought she liked but did'n find her. He then whent to clear his head to the only place in the park that had his favorite flower,roses. He was very sad but didn't know why,  he was said since she said that he hated her, did she realy think that he hated her?Worce did she realy hated him? He shouk his head trying to stop tinking about her, that was when he heard someone crying, but not just someone, it was her Serena, she was sitting in the midle of the roses crying.
 He went to her front to her and touching here shoulder he said:
 -Sorry Serena, I didn't know how mutch I was hurting you, if I knew I would stop. I'm sorry.
 She looked at him.
 -It's ok, I know I dumb.
 -No Serena your not dumb I love you just the way you are.
 -You...You love me?
 -I-I-I.-He put is and on her chin and broth her closer to his face.-I do I alwais have, thats why I teased you, that way you I could be with you.
 He leaned kissing her not knowing how she would react, and for his suprise she kissed him back, they only seperated when they were without breath and she said:
 -I'm sorry I shouldn't have...
 -Don't be- This time she kissed him- I love you too- And then they kissed again.
 -After being together for hours they both went home, ofcours he took her home. That night Serena was talking to Luna.
 -What is it Luna?
 -Well you see, the girls said that Darien told them that he made you cry is that true, and why didn't you come right home, you came hours after the girls talked to Darien.
 -Well I-I-I.
 -You what?
 -Nothing, forgeted.
 Luna didn't whant to talk about it becouse she thought that Serena didn't what to talk becouse she was sad. Serena wasn't said, she just didn't know what that meant, were they datting or weren't, she knew that there was a possabilyti that they weren't, becouse of the age difference, after all he was five years older then her, she was fourteen and he was alredy an adoult with nineteen, and it was tinking about tah that she felt ashelp.
 In Darien's houce he was laing down on his bed thinkin about Serena. When he felt asleep he started to have the same dream he had been having sence a fwe weeks ago.

                                    IN DARIENS DREAM

There is a princess looking at the moon and saying:
 -Bring me the Silver Cristal- And then she turns to him- Please bring me the Cristal.
 -Who are you?
 But this time the dream was diferent, this time she awnserd:
 -I'll give your memories back Endymion.
  -My memo..,- He didn't have time to finish the sentence when she kissed him, he started to remember things that he never did before. When she aparted from him he said:
 -It's ok trust me Endymion, I'm closer than you think.-Whit that she desepeard and he woke up.
                                               End of is dream.

On that morning Serena woke up late (as usual) and got dressed and left running. In the afternoon she was late to meet the girls and afraid of Rais reaction she whent there running, she saw Darien in her path a sreamed:
  Darien herd her sream, but instead of steping aside he grabed, when he looked at her facehe thought (Serenety?Was this what she meant to be closer then I thought?) her and said:
 -Can we talk?
 -Come whit me.
 They whent to his apartment.
 -Listen Serena I ha some thing to tell you, I think that you need to know becouse I love you...
 -What is it Darien?
 -Well I-I don't know if you will beleve in me but...
 -Don't worry you'd be surprise to know what hapens to me.
 -Well I won't say it, I will show it to you.
 He grabs a rose from his pocket and TRANSFOMS into Tuxedo Mask.
  -Your Tuxedo Mask.- She sais with a surprised look, he founded strange that she wasn't scared.
 -Your not scared?
 -Well I gess I should let you know something.
 She didn't ha time to finish the sentence when they eard a scream coming from the streat.
 -Wait for me here Serena I'll be right back.
 He left not giving her time to speak she grabed her transformation broch and said:


I'll update real soon!

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