domingo, 11 de março de 2012

 She transformed and ran out the window, but when she got there she saw that the monster was about to hit Tuxedo Mask, she didn't think, she just put her self betwene hem and the monster getting hit several timed until he said:
-Sailor Moon why are you doing this?
-Becouse I love you Darien.
-I tried to tell but you ran off. I'm sorry. when she said that she felt to her knees and the monster was about to hit Tuxedo Mask  she ssreamed:
 -SSSSTTTTTOOOOOPPPP!!!- Right before the monster hit him she started to glow, and a crystel left her body and started do glow so brightly tha Tuxedo Mask had to cover his eyes and everyone in the world that was sick sudently felt better, and the most emportant thing the monster was moon dusted.
 Becouse she spent all of her energy she past out, and Tuxedo Mask toke her to his houce. When the other girls got to the shene they only saw a pile of dust where the monster once stood.
 -Thats strange, maybe Serena was alredy here?- Sailor Venus said
 -But she wasn't able to defeat a monster without us till now.-Mercury said.
 - Maybe Tuxedo Mask helped her, by the way, have anyof you seen her today?-Sailor Júpiter asked.
 -No.- They all said, and Sailor Mars aded- Maybe shes at the arcade and forgot our meeting.
 At Dariens houce he layed Serena, who had detransformed becouse was out of energy, on his bed and just sat there holding her hand, he felt her body getting hotter by the minut until she starded to open her eyes :
 -Darien, I rebembered something.
 -What was it Sere?
 -Who I realy am.
 -What do you mean?
 -I'm Serenety, do you remenber me, Endymion?
 -Ofcours I do my Moon Princess, I was just waiting for you.
 -W-What will I tell the other scouts, they know that one of us is the princess, but they all think that it isn't me, they won't belive me- A tear started to fall true her face-If only I had act more macture then I wouln't have this proglem.
 -Well on the bright side, now I know why I love roses so mutch.
 -What do you mean?
 -A rose was the flower you gave me when we met.
 -Ye I gess that is why I love roses so mutch.
 She looked at him, with tears on her eyes, he clean the thears from her face and give her a passionate kiss.Before going home she gave the cristal to Darien to hide it from the girls. When she got home Luna was ther waiting for her:
 -Serena where have you been, the girls have been crazy worie about you.
 -Serena whats wrong?
 -Nothing Luna I swear.
 -I'm tired Luna I'm going to bed.
 With that Luna  left the room and whent to talk to the other girls, that acepet to meet in Rei's templethe next day. This was the first nitgh that Darien didn't have that dream he just dreamed abaot Serena, not Serenety, just Serena.
 The next morning was probebly the first time, that she woke up erly, expecialy on a week end. Her mother was more surprise then she was, but the one more surprised was Luna, that for the first time didn't wake up erlyer then Serena.
 She left to school, but was very distracted, she was walking very slowly and looking to the flor, she bumped into someone, she looked up and saw him, it was Darien.
 -Hi Sere, have you decided what to tell the girls?
 -Listen Serena I want you to know, that what ever you decid to do I'll be with you.
 -Tanks, but I think I won't say anything for now. They wouldn't belive me any way. I still don't, and I'm the princess.
 -Well I belive that you are, your the most beuthifull girl I have ever met.- He leaned over to kiss her and she did the same. At that time someone touched Serena's arm she looked back and almost jumped in fear, it wasn't a youma, it were, Minako, Amy, Lita and Rei looking at her with the curiest eyes you can imagen. Minako whispred on Serena's ear:
 -What happend yesterday, I thought you hated Darein?
 -Ye whats whit that?- Rei said.
 -Well...I...Well.-She didn' know what to say, if she told them the real storie they wouln't belive in her, but then he saved her.
 -Well I gues fathe broth us thogeter...
 -Fathe my ass what happend- Said Rei.
 -It's pryvet, but don't worry I will tell you.- When she stoped talking they saw a brithg pink light in the sky and looked up, there was a girl suraunded by that light. When the girl got to the grown 
she bowed and then Serena said:

 -Who are you?
 -Good morning mommy, I'm Princess Small Lady Serenety Serena Tsukino, nice to meet you.- She smiled at Serena.
 -Wait did you called me mommy? I don´t have kids.
 -Not now but on the future you do.-She then turned to the other scouts- Oh hi,Mercuwy, Venus, Mars and Jupiter, your so diffewent without your suits, daddy!- She ran to hug Darien and Serena.-My mommy told me to come here to twain with you Saiwor Moon.
 -Wait if Serena is realy your mother she is the queen?-Amy asked.
 -Yes, my mommy is New Queen Serenety, she ruwes earth and the moon with my daddy.
 They were all choked, they knew that meant Serena was the lost princess of the moon, but they didn't say anything.
 -Mommy, can you pick me up pwease...
 -Come here you look tired.- She piked her up and a fwe seconds later the girl felt asleep.
 -What should we do whit her?- Serena asked.
 -Now that I think of it she looks like you, don't you thinh, even the hair style...
 -Yeah but my hair isn't pink, and I defenatly don't have red eyes...
 -Yeah Darien, she's not the moon princess,... Whait how do you know about the princess and about us? SERENA!!!!- Rei said
 -I need to tell you something, you can all come to my hauce in an hour ok bye I'll take her.
 When she got home, she hided the girl and whent to her room, she layed the girl on her bed. A fwe minuts later she woke up and sat on the bed with a smile on her face lookink at Serena.

 -Mommy, Luna,Artemis where am I?-She toouched her head, and looked at her clothes- Where is my dwesse and my ondagos? Who are this pjs? 
 -You sure have alot of questions, well your in my room I toke your dress and untided your hair for you to sleep better, and those pjs are some that I had when I was a kid.
 -But I can´t make my ondogos my mom does that for me- she started to cry.
 -Don't worry I can make them for you, I make them since I was 10.
 -Realy...- She started to smile again.
 -They will be here in half an hour com'on let's get you showed and dressed.
 As soon as she was done with the shower she got dressed, and Serena made her  two perfect ondagos.

-So what?
-How do I look mommy?
-You look great, you can call me Serena.
-'Cuz I'm just a teen, I don't have kids.
-You can call me Rini. Luna, do you mind if I bring my cat here, she will be getting here tomarow
-Ofcours I don't mind.
 About ten minuts later the others got there and whent to her room, Rini just sat on Serena's lap, Darien sat next to her. the other scouts sat in front of them.
 -You got some explenation to do Serena.-Minako said.
 -Darien did you brouth it?- Serena asked.
 -There.- He said as he gave her the Silver Impirial Cristal.
 -IS THAT THE CRISTAL?-They all asked sceard of what that meant.
 -Yes, you should probably close your eyes.-They didn't ask why they just close them.
 -Me two- Rine asked
 -No if you are realy my dauther the light won't afect you.
- Ok-With that the crystal started to glow, and the memories of the scouts previus life came back.
 -So Serena is the princess-Rei said in surprise. 
 Darien that alredy had his memories said:
 -Now that I notice Rini is wearing different clothes they are cute. Were did you get those clothes Rini?
 -Mommy...Sowy Sewina gave them to me daddy.
 -Call me Darien swety.
-Yes Sere?
-Can you take Rini for a while?
 -Ye sure. Come here Rini

                                            To be continued

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